Monday, June 16, 2008

Special Recognition for Clubs

The ARRL is especially proud of our affiliated clubs that excel in their activities. Clubs that go the extra mile to provide on-going training and support for the benefit of their community, fall into our Special Service Club category. These extraordinary groups actively pursue all aspects of Amateur Radio: New Ham Development and Training; Public Relations; Emergency Communications; School Club Support; Technical Advancement; Operating Activities; Annual Reports, and more.

In addition to all benefits afforded our affiliated clubs, Special Service Clubs also receive the following additional benefits:

  1. Lists & labels of newly licensed amateurs in your area
  2. Eligible to appoint local Awards Managers
  3. May display SSC logos on club stationery, web pages, and club signs.

You can locate the Special Service Club(s) in your area using the web site at After plugging in your section, check the block next to "List SSCs Only" and click on the "Show Clubs" button below.

If you'd like to join this exemplary group, an application is available at

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